7 Amazing Facts About Women

In conjunction with International Women’s Day, we’re sharing with you 7 lesser known yet no less AMAZING facts about WOMEN!
#1 Women have stronger immune systems
Females enjoy a stronger immune system as compared to Men due to two X-chromosome.
Women are commonly known to live longer than men and this could be due to the fact that the female body is overall less susceptible to viral infections and better at fighting against infections as compared to the male body. According to a study done by researchers from Ghent University in Belgium, the presence of two X chromosomes, which has important functions in immunity, gives females the advantage1. It is also suggested that women develop stronger immune system overtime because of her main role in giving birth and caring for offspring2.
Keep HER Immune supercharged with:
- LAC TriAction C500 Timed-Release
- LAC Masquelier’s French Pine Bark (300 Vegitabs)
- LAC Women's Mega Multi Active / Active
- LAC Supreme Royal Jelly
#2 Women’s hearts beat faster
And it’s not because of a caffeine overdose.
The average male heart rate is between 70 to 72 beats per minute, while the average adult women’s heart rate is between 78 to 82 beats per minute.3
The main reason for this is the difference in the size of the male and female heart. The average male heart weights around 280 to 340 grams. In females, it weights around 230 to 280 grams.
Due to the smaller size of the female heart, it pumps less blood with each beat and therefore needs to beat at a faster rate to “make up for the difference”.
Love HER Heart with:
- LAC TRIMAX™ Omega Fish Oil + CoQ-10
- LAC Activated Heart Protect
#3 Women are able to distinguish more colours
Women have a higher ‘colour vocabulary’ as compared to men.
When asked to break down the hue of colours in the red, yellow, green and blue category, researchers found that men are less adept at distinguishing among shades in the center of the color spectrum: blues, greens, and yellows.
The study also found that women were better at distinguishing between subtle graduations and tend to use a more complex categorizing scheme.5
While it is amazing that women are better able to distinguish tiny differences between colors that looked identical to men, age can also bring change in eye health in both men and women. Hence it’s important to ensure to keep your eyes in check.
Maintain HER Eye Health with:
- LAC Berry Clear 30 Sticks
- LAC Berry Clear® (30ml x 12 bottles)
- LAC Lutein 40mg With Zeaxanthin
#4 The female body is more flexible
Flexibility refers to how far you can stretch and lengthen a muscle. The average woman tends to be more flexible than her male counterpart.
This is in part due to the hormonal differences between men and women. Men have approximately 10 times the amount of testosterone relative to women. This lends itself to the formation of bulkier muscles that are less flexible than the long leaner muscles that women have.6
But while women are naturally more flexible, even women lose flexibility with age so it is always a good idea to take up sports or fitness activities like Yoga and Pilates that can help to maintain the body’s flexibility and range of motion as we grow older.
Maintain HER Muscles & Joints Flexibility with:
- LAC Tri-Action Muscle Sustain
- LAC Joint Protec™ (30 Jelly Sticks)
#5 Women have better muscle endurance
While women might lose out in terms of absolute muscle strength as compared to men (muscle strength is defined as how much force your muscle can exert); women actually have a distinctive edge when it comes to muscle endurance (defined as how long our muscles can maintain that force).
Studies have shown that when it comes to stamina related exercise, women were found to be less fatigued at the end. The estrogen in the female bodies actually makes muscles significantly less vulnerable to fatigue and more efficient in muscle metabolism as compared to men.7
So while the average male might fare better when it comes to heavy weight lifting or sprinting, the female excels when it comes to training and competing in endurance sports like ultra-marathons and exercises that might involve performing 100 reps like in Pilates.
Fuel HER endurance with:
- LAC FullCal
- LAC Tri-Action Muscle Sustain
#6 The female immune system “reconfigures” itself during pregnancy to protect the mother and her developing baby.
Our immune system defends our body against invaders by fighting against bacteria, cancer cells and even transplanted limbs and organs that the immune system recognizes as being a “foreign body”.
During pregnancy, the pregnant mum’s immune system amazingly and intelligently reconfigures itself to protect both mother and child. It enhances some parts of the immune system while deliberately suppressing other immune functions that might otherwise deem the developing fetus as a “foreign object” to start attacking. Instead the “reconfigure” allows the immune system to recognize the baby as “part self” and “part foreign” – creating a balance that can prevent infection in the baby, without compromising the health of the mother.8
Prenatal and Post-Natal Essentials for HER during pregnancy:
- LAC Women's Prenatal Complete Care
- LAC FullCal
#7 Women have better memory
Women have long claimed that they can remember things better and longer than men, and according to studies that’s actually true! Women outperform men in most of the memory measures9. While men can better recall images and remember their way back from one location to another, women generally perform better when it comes to not only verbal information, but also location of objects, faces and sensory experiences.
A study from McMaster University suggests that women remember faces better than men as they subconsciously spend more time studying features of new face. This allows them to create a richer memory, which is a technique that can help improve overall memory and recall. 10
So if you ever need help remembering specific details, your female friends might prove more helpful than…ahem asking the men.
Power HER Memory and Mental Prowess with:
- LAC Brain Speed
- LAC DHA 600mg
Now that you’ve read all the amazing facts about women, let’s take time to appreciate all the important and wonderful women in our lives. Here’s wishing all women “Happy International Women’s Day!”
1 https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/09/110927192352.htm
4 https://www.physio-pedia.com/Anatomy_of_the_Human_Heart
6 https://cathe.com/are-women-more-flexible-than-men/
10 https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/06/130604113957.htm