Get To Know Your Kidneys

Our kidneys play an important role in filtering out wastes and keeping the body in balance. Read to find out more about kidneys and how to keep them healthy for optimum function.
There has been a rise in kidney failure rates in Singapore with about 4 people diagnosed daily2. Learn about the habits that may be harmful to your kidneys and ways to take care of them!
Habits That May Hurt Your Kidneys
1. Eating too much processed food
While processed foods can satisfy our cravings at times, they are high in sodium and phosphorus, and some studies have shown that a high intake of phosphorus may be harmful to kidneys and bones3,
while too much sodium may increase blood pressure and may cause kidney stones4. Foods that are high in salt = high in sodium.
2. Not having enough sleep
Having sufficient rest daily is beneficial for our overall well-being, and yes, our kidneys.
Kidney function is regulated by the sleep-wake cycle (typically a 16-hour day-time wakefulness and 8-hour night-time sleep), which helps coordinate the organs’ workload5 and for them to function properly.
3. Consuming too much protein
For all the meat lovers out there, beware!
Consuming too much animal protein generates high amounts of acid in the blood that can cause acidosis – a condition whereby kidneys cannot eliminate acid fast enough6, which could have a harmful effect on the kidneys.
4. Drinking alcohol excessively
Having an occasional alcoholic drink or two is fine,
but studies have found that more than four drinks a day is linked to double the risk of damaging your kidneys long term.
Experts also reported that alcohol hampers the kidneys’ function to filter blood and affects blood pressure7.
5. Overusing painkillers
Some may rely on painkillers to alleviate pesky aches and pains but be sure to only consume the recommended dosage and try to curb the regular use of it. Overusing painkillers may be dangerous for your kidneys8.
Ways To Keep Your Kidneys Healthy
1. Stay active
Exercising regularly has many health benefits, such as helping to maintain a healthy weight, reduce blood pressure and support heart health, which are important for healthy kidneys.
Pick your favourite work-out, such as a walk or run, lifting weights, or yoga at least 3 times a week to stay fit!
2. Don’t smoke
Tobacco has a negative effect on our body’s blood vessels,
which may lead to slowed blood flow to the body and important organs such as the kidneys, affecting their functions9.
Stay away from the cigarettes and it will be beneficial for your skin, lungs, and heart too!
3. Monitor blood pressure
High blood pressure could lead to kidney damage10.
If you are at risk of high blood pressure, seek a doctor to monitor your blood pressure regularly and make lifestyle and dietary changes, such as exercising regularly and eating a well-balanced diet.
4. Eat a healthy diet and maintain a healthy weight
Cut out the junk food and sodas, as a healthy diet for kidneys is low in sodium, processed meat, and carbohydrates, and includes lots of fruits and vegetables.
Some foods that are naturally low in sodium are cauliflower, blueberries, fish, whole grains and more11.
5. Stay hydrated
Consistent and sufficient water intake is good for our kidneys as it helps clear sodium and toxins. A good amount would be about 8 glasses of water a day. If you exercise and are living in a hot climate, you may need to drink more.
Both our kidneys work hard 24/7 to keep our body in balance, so let’s show our kidneys with the love and care that they deserve by cutting out bad lifestyle habits and unhealthy diet preferences!
1,2 Functions of kidneys and kidney failure rate in SG:
3,5,6 Habits that may harm your kidneys:
4,7,8 Habits that may harm your kidneys:
9 Ways to keep kidney healthy – Don’t smoke:
10 High blood pressure and kidney damage:
11 Foods for healthy kidneys: