The fast and hectic pace of modern life constantly keeps us on our toes, with so many things requiring our attention within a limited time span.
The fast and hectic pace of modern life constantly keeps us
on our toes, with so many things requiring our attention
within a limited time span.
Burning midnight oil
to meet work or
study deadlines
Taking care of your
family and loved ones
Travelling frequently
Completing your
household chores
Encountering other
heavy demands of life
If the above sounds like you, read on.
If you are, you probably would have resorted to the following
countermeasures to cope with your lack of energy:
Coffee and tea
Energy drinks
Sweets and chocolates
Binge-eating on
high energy yet
unhealthy snacks
smoking breaks
However, these countermeasures will not
give you lasting energy!
Here are some Tips that you can
incorporate to increase your energy levels.
Drink water
Losing a mere 3% of your body weight
from water can cause you to feel lethargic
No electronic devices before bed
The blue light causes your brain to be
wired up and more active, making it harder
for you to fall asleep.
Change your medication
S everal medicines have energy-draining effects,
causing you to be less energetic. If you start
feeling listless after a new medication, seek for
an alternative or only consume it before bed.
Exercise more
Exercising increases your blood flow, bringing
more oxygen and nutrients to your body,
resulting in increased energy.
Have a consistent sleeping and waking time
This sets your internal body clock, allowing
you to get better quality sleep and hence,
more energy throughout your day.
Eat fatigue-fighting foods
Food such as chia seeds, almonds and
sweet potatoes contain energy-boosting
minerals such as iron, potassium and
magnesium to fight fatigue.
Take 15 minute power naps
Power naps are effective to help you recharge,
giving a burst of alertness and increased
motor performance.
Take energy-boosting supplements
Instead of temporary energy boosts, take
supplements such as Vitamin B12, Cordyceps
or Lingzhi that are more effective in providing
you energy that increases with each intake and
lasts over a longer period of time.
Introducing LAC Activated Zhi™ ,
your one shot solution to boost your energy,
combat mental fatigue and counteract lethargy.
LAC Activated Zhi™ is a proprietary Cordyceps-Lingzhi power cocktail specially formulated with 6 key ingredients.
E nhance
S upport
health recuperation
Promote healthy
blood circulation
Improve stamina
and athletic
Increase work
Energise brain
even from
frequent travels
energy levels
Improve concentration
at tasks
Protect against
harmful free
Improve physical
and mental performance
Manage symptoms associated with
stress and anxiety
Promote healthy
blood circulation
Support body's
immune system
against viruses
Protect against
harmful free radicals
Reduce fatigue
Let’s compare LAC Activated Zhi®
with Energy Drinks and Coffee!
Every year, there are 100,000 auto
crashes caused by drowsy drivers
20% of pilots have admitted to
making serious mistakes due
to fatigue.
People today sleep 20% less than
they did 100 years ago.
Stress triggers our body's
natural response system to
feel restless.
One of the main factors resulting
in insomnia is stress.
Hair loss can begin up to three
months after a stressful event.
Insomnia is twice as likely to
occur in women as men.
40 – 60% of people over 60
suffer from Insomnia.
Juggling with a
hectic workload