Ultimate Skin Whitening from Within
LAC Taut® White is an innovative skin whitening supplement that aims to intensively and naturally illuminate skin from within for translucent, brilliant and crystal clear skin. With an advanced formula of highly concentrated antioxidants and skin-revitalizing ingredients such as L-Glutathione, Grape Seed Extract, Olive Leaf Extract, Vitamin C and Artichoke extract, LAC Taut® White controls formation of dark spots and imperfections, resulting in complexion that is clearer and brighter than before. LAC Taut® White is best taken with LAC Taut Collagen Infusion Therapy 13,000mg (with or without placenta) for intensive skin firming and whitening benefits. Just pour, shake and drink to reveal porcelain, fair skin! LAC Taut® White comes in both capsule and powder form for your convenience. Frequently Asked Questions Q: Is LAC Taut® White suitable for all skin types and ages? A: LAC Taut® White is an age-defying beauty supplement. It is suitable for adults of any age, gender and skin type. Q: Is it necessary to take LAC Taut® Collagen Drink plus Placenta (or without placenta) with LAC Taut® White? Do I still need other beauty supplement? A: LAC Taut® Collagen Infusion Therapy 13,000mg formulas are comprehensive beauty supplements that can be taken alone for maintenance of healthy skin. Those who desire fairer skin or wish to reduce pigmentation or blemish marks can include LAC Taut® White in their skincare regime. In cases of dry skin, essential fatty acid, namely Omega 3 and 6, are also recommended to enhance the skin’s moisture retention ability. Q: Do I consume LAC Taut® White every day? A: It is recommended to consume LAC Taut® White at least 3 to 4 times a week. For intensive results, it can also be taken daily. Q: How soon can I see results? A: LAC Taut® White is an advanced beauty supplement with superior nourishing and restorative properties. With a daily intake, benefits may be seen in as quickly as a week’s time for most people. As individual’s response time and extent of skin damage differ, some may take longer time to see and feel results. Q: Who are unsuitable to take LAC Taut® White? A: Those who are allergic to any ingredient found in LAC Taut® White should not consume. Also, those having any serious illness and/or are under medication should consult their doctor before use. Q: Is there a difference between the powder and capsule form of LAC Taut® White? A: Both products provide the same benefits except that the powder form can be mixed with LAC Taut® Collagen Infusion Therapy 13,000mg formulas while the capsule form can be taken on its own. It is entirely up to the individual’s preference which they would like to consume.